sábado, 23 de julio de 2011

Primera noche, primera mañana.

La primera noche, cuando ni siquiera habíamos empezado a dar pedales, Chema, como si fuera un moderno Morfeo de carne y hueso, sacó de su teléfono móvil este The Ocean de Richard Hawley que sonó hipnótico como una nana y nos cerró los párpados arrullándonos hasta la primera mañana.

The Ocean- Richard Hawley

You lead me down, to the ocean
So lead me down, by the ocean

You know it's been a long time,
You always leave me tongue tied
And all this times for us
I love you just because

You lead me down, to the ocean
The world is fine, by the ocean

You know this time's for real
It helps the heart to heal
You know it breaks the seal of the talisman that harms
And so you look at me and need
The space that means as much to me

So lead me down, to the ocean
Our world is fine, by the ocean

You know the way it is in life, it's so hard to live up to
So why are you still dressed in your mourning suit
I assume, I assume

You'll lead me down, to the ocean
Don't leave me down, by the ocean
The ocean.

Here comes the wave, here comes the wave
Here comes the wave, down by the ocean

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